Information for clients

Physiotherapy through the insurance company or as a self-payer

In our facility, you can use physiotherapy either through an FT voucher or as a self-payer. For physiotherapy under the FT voucher, we have concluded contracts with insurance companies: VZP (111), OZP (207), ZPMVČR (211), VoZP (201), ČPZP (205) and RBP (213).

If your insurance company is not on this list, or if you do not have an FT voucher, you can also use our services as a self-payer according to the current price list.

We recommend using physiotherapy in the form of self-payment even in the event that you have exhausted the rehabilitation “at the insurance company” and you are interested in continuing the prescribed therapy and improving further.

Difference between FT and K voucher

There are 2 types of voucher (K voucher and FT voucher). The main difference between these vouchers is that the K voucher is used for treatment and examination by a rehabilitation doctor who, based on your difficulties, will prescribe procedures and issue an FT voucher. Only afterwards with the FT voucher can you make an appointment with us at FYZIOCARE.

If your attending physician prescribed you physiotherapy, he could have done so via a K voucher or an FT voucher. That is why we ask you to check thoroughly when ordering, as we only provide care in our facility within the scope of the FT voucher.

Scope of care for FT voucher (number of therapies) in FYZIOCARE

At FYZIOCARE, clients can use health care that is covered by the public health system and is therefore reimbursed by health insurance companies (see the list of insurance companies above). This system is governed by certain regulations and financial limits. For this reason, after mutual agreement with those interested in treatment in our facility, we provide standard care in the range of 6 visits. In more serious cases (neurological, autoimmune, etc.), care can be extended by mutual agreement.

Registration and ordering therapies

You can order from us by phone, e-mail, or in person. When you come to us for the first time, during registration we will ask you to provide the necessary personal data: first and last name, social security number, insurance company, mobile phone number and e-mail address. Your e-mail and telephone contact is used exclusively for mutual communication and communication of the necessary information within the framework of the health care provided.

Administrative fee

The administrative fee is used to cover costs associated with reception services, which are not covered by health insurance companies, but are also absolutely essential for ensuring top-quality care at FYZIOCARE s.r.o. The services of the reception are mainly understood as telephone and electronic communication when ordering new clients, re-ordering or canceling therapies of existing clients. In addition, actions related to the explanation of the Informed Consent and the establishment of medical documentation upon arrival (before the first therapy). Last but not least, ensuring a clean, friendly and pleasant environment, including the offer of filtered water or coffee. The reception is also helpful for mothers who come with babies and strollers.

An administrative fee is associated with the actions (see above) of each new FT voucher. This fee is paid before the start of physiotherapy care. Its current height can be found in the price list.

Changing or canceling the ordered date

The ordered date of physiotherapy can be changed or canceled by phone or e-mail no later than 24 hours before the scheduled visit. The reception is available by phone during all working hours. Therefore, we ask that you inform us of your absence as soon as possible, so that we can offer a free date to waiting clients.

In the event of a late apology, or your absence on the agreed date without giving a reason, our facility reserves the right to collect a fee for absence from the therapy. This fee at least partially covers the costs associated with the organization and staffing of the therapy appointment. Its current height can be found in the price list.

In case of a late apology or no apology, the therapy appointment is not replaced. In the case of repeated late apologies or non-apologies, the right to further treatment ceases, or the care will continue after payment of lost financial costs. These rules are included in the informed consent that will be presented to you for signature at your first visit.

How does physiotherapy work and what to take with you?

At the first visit, the physiotherapist will ask you about your current difficulties, diseases for which you are being treated, injuries and possible surgeries, medications you are taking, etc. If you have already undergone any examinations related to your problem, it is a good idea to bring the necessary medical documentation with you (e.g. neurological examination, X-ray/MRI/CT description).

Subsequently, the physiotherapist will examine you in detail – a comprehensive kinesiology examination. The examination and subsequent therapy usually take place in underwear, so you do not need to bring any special clothes with you. However, if you want, you can bring sports clothes for your comfort (eg short leggings and sports bra for women, short shorts for men). For problems that do not require a thorough examination of the entire musculoskeletal system (e.g. fractures of the small bones of the hands), the therapy can also take place in your normal clothes.

The standard length of therapy with us lasts 25-55 minutes, depending on the client’s agreement with the physiotherapist. The first therapy is usually longer, as it includes a complex kinesiological examination.

We ask all clients to wear adequate underwear and clothing to the therapy, to observe the principles of personal hygiene and not to smoke immediately before the therapy.