Gynecological-urological concept of PPA
About the concept
This is uro-gynecological physiotherapy according to the PPA (Palasčák Pelvic Approach) concept.
The concept is based on 20 years of clinical experience of the author (PhDr. Ingrid Palaščáková Špringrová, Ph.D.) with women with gynecological-urological problems. The advantage of the PPA concept is examination and therapy, which are based on an individual approach to the woman. As part of physiotherapy, it is necessary to diagnose the function or dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles and then determine the appropriate therapy for the related symptoms. Symptoms of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction in women include: urine and stool leakage, pelvic organ prolapse, abdominal muscle spasms, painful menstruation and intercourse, endometriosis, pelvic and back pain.
How does therapy according to the PPA concept work?
The examination is based on diagnosis per vaginam or per rectum, i.e. through the vagina or anus, during which the physiotherapist evaluates the function of the pelvic floor muscles. Based on the instructions, the client perceives whether the pelvic floor muscles are activated or relaxed. The results are then recorded in a special protocol, based on which a therapeutic program and recommendations for medical aids are drawn up. This initial therapy lasts an hour. Since the client is our first priority, we perceive the importance of providing quality care, so unlike standard procedures, our examination is comprehensive and targeted at the pelvic floor. The initial and control examination is paid for by the client, see price list.